City & Guilds Tests and Exams

City and Guilds’ E-VOLVE software has provided candidates with the ability to take their assessments on a time and date to suit, and we have been providing this service from our Carlisle training centre since it was introduced.

E-VOLVE is a way of completing City and Guilds tests or exams. Instead of filling out question papers you complete the tests or exams on a computer at our site.

You don’t need to be good with computers and there are sample questions to allow you to get used to the system before you take the real test. You still do this in exam conditions with an invigilator, but it’s a much more user friendly, modern and reliable way to pass your tests.

  • You can find out whether you’ve passed the test straight away
  • You get a breakdown of how you performed in areas of the test to see where you need to improve
  • You can take the test when you and your tutor decide you’re ready
  • You can go back and change answers quickly, easily and clearly at any time during the test